Business Statistics
1. If Y = aX ± b, where a and b are any two constants and a ∦ 0, then the quartile deviation of Y values is equal to:
- a Q.D(X) + b
- ∣a∣ Q.D(X)
- Q.D(X) - b
- ∣b∣ Q.D(X)
Correct answer: (B)
∣a∣ Q.D(X)
2. For a symmetrical distribution:
- β1 > 0
- β1 < 0
- β1 = 0
- β1= 3
Correct answer: (C)
β1 = 0
3. The scatter in a series of values about the average is called:
- Central tendency
- Dispersion
- Skewness
- Symmetry
Correct answer: (B)
4. The measures of dispersion can never be:
- Positive
- Zero
- Negative
- Equal to 2
Correct answer: (C)
5. Which of the following is an absolute measure of dispersion?
- Coefficient of variation
- Coefficient of dispersion
- Standard deviation
- Coefficient of skewness
Correct answer: (C)
Standard deviation
6. If the observations of a variable X are, -4, -20, -30, -44 and -36, then the value of the range will be:
- -48
- 40
- -40
- 48
Correct answer: (B)
7. If the maximum value in a series is 25 and its range is 15, the maximum value of the series is:
- 10
- 15
- 25
- 35
Correct answer: (A)
8. Mean deviation computed from a set of data is always:
- Negative
- Equal to standard deviation
- More than standard deviation
- Less than standard deviation
Correct answer: (D)
Less than standard deviation
9. Which measure of dispersion has a different unit other than the unit of measurement of values:
- Range
- Standard deviation
- Variance
- Mean deviation
Correct answer: (C)
10. The positive square root of the mean of the squares of the cleviations of observations from their mean is called:
- Variance
- Range
- Standard deviation
- Coefficient of variation
Correct answer: (C)
Standard deviation