Computers In Management
1. Computers are also known by the name
- Two state Back device
- Two state Front device
- Two state forward device
- One state front device
Correct answer: (C)
Two state forward device
2. Computers carrying operation on data which can vary continuously and are measurable such as time, lengths, weights etc.
- Analog Computers
- Digital Computers
- Hybrid Computers
- None of the above
Correct answer: (A)
Analog Computers
3. Which of the following is not property of DBMS
- Increase date Redundancy
- Integration of data
- Improved in security
- Achieving Data Independence
Correct answer: (D)
Achieving Data Independence
4. Which of the following is a DBMS
- Excel
- Access
- dBase
- Foxpro
Correct answer: (C)
5. What is the name of the screen symbol that shows the placement of the next character
- Mouse
- Cursor
- Track Ball
- Space Bar
Correct answer: (B)
6. Which of the following is not a search engine
- Infoseek
- AltaVista
- Lycos
- Gopher
Correct answer: (D)
7. Which of the following browser is not free
- pera
- Netscaffe
- Internet Explorer
- Lynx
Correct answer: (C)
Internet Explorer
8. Multimedia S/W used for video editing is
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Premier
- Macromedia Director
Correct answer: (C)
Adobe Premier
9. Cache Memory is
- Small memory between CPU main memory whose access time in close to processing speed of CPU
- Program-mable Memory
- Non-volatile memory
- Erasable non-programmable memory
Correct answer: (A)
Small memory between CPU main memory whose access time in close to processing speed of CPU
10. A group of conducting wires or lines over which electrical signals corresponding to data and instructions are transmitted is
- Bus
- Path
- System
- Stock
Correct answer: (A)