Insurance and Risk Management
1. The Insurance is a ______________
- Contract
- Uncertainty
- Peril
- Hazard
Correct answer: (A)
2. Losses arising due to a risk exposure retained or assured is known as ______________
- Risk Reduction
- Risk Financing
- Risk Retention
- Risk Sharing
Correct answer: (C)
Risk Retention
3. An alternative approach to the check list is ______________
- Threat Analysis
- Event Analysis
- Operability Study
- Minimum Level Analysis
Correct answer: (A)
Threat Analysis
4. The measures aimed at avoiding,eliminating or reducing the chances of loss production is covered by ______________
- Risk Control
- Risk Retention
- Risk Avoidance
- Risk Financing
Correct answer: (A)
Risk Control
5. Insurance is best suited to risk with ______________.
- high frequency and low loss severity.
- low frequency and high loss severity.
- minimum frequency and no loss severity.
- high frequency and high loss severity.
Correct answer: (B)
low frequency and high loss severity.
6. The risk manager maybe able to identify the new ventures involved in ______________.
- Pure risk.
- Group Risk.
- Speculative risk.
- Particular risk.
Correct answer: (A)
Pure risk.
7. An instrument by which a pure risk is transferred by a party other than insurer is
- Insurance
- Retention.
- Non Insurance Transfer.
- Reinsurance.
Correct answer: (C)
Non Insurance Transfer.
8. The Person whose risk is insured is called ______________.
- Insured
- merchandiser
- marketer
- Agents
Correct answer: (A)
9. That which is designed to improve the information on which decisions are take to reduce risk is ______________.
- Transfer
- Research.
- Costs.
- Deflation.
Correct answer: (B)
10. Uncertain events are broadly classified as ______________.
- Predictable and Unpredictable.
- Possible and Impossible
- Natural and Artificial.
- Rare and Continuous
Correct answer: (A)
Predictable and Unpredictable.